What is LBC Group Fitness?
Groupfit is our general fitness program! In 1 hour time blocks, this program is designed to help create the most well rounded fitness in an individual. There is strength training, gymnastics/coordination training, steady state cardio, and HIIT elements included multiple times throughout the week. General all-around fitness is the goal! This program also can be tailored and scaled to any fitness level, so if you’re a beginner, don’t be dissuaded or scared to come give it shot.
If you are in the military, or are a first responder/member of law enforcement, this program is perfect for you. These classes are extremely structured, with a specific progression plan and exercise selection to target technical issues in lifting. These classes are a planned and deliberate strength program with cardio and flexibility elements attached, usually at the end of the workout!
Class Times
WEEKDAYS (except Thursday): 5:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 5:30 PM
Thursdays: Open Gym 5:30-7PM
Saturday: 9 AM
Contact Info:
Jordan Wigger
Cell: 704-533-4057
Email: jordan.lbbc@gmail.com